Monday, September 17, 2012

Tanwise Self tanner. Hit!

I don't  tan i "red", even tho I'm Italian i have very pink pale skin, lol So on my quest for a beautiful olive glow i dove into the world of self tanners. I'm tried drug store and high end but always left unhappy and ORANGE! I came across Tanwise in my local Sally's beauty, it was only around 10bucks with my Sally's card. I didn't have crazy high hopes but it was worth a shot, first thing i noticed was its a dark brown with a GREEN undertone instead of the normal more orange undertone. I applied this with rubber gloves to very well exfoliated skin ( dry fresh out of the shower with NO lotion). it went on very well and has a color guard so you can tell where u put it. I went to bed after it dried which didn't take more then 10 mins. i woke up to a beautiful olive tan! It was darker then the normal 1 coat of any other tanner I've used, it was so pretty no orange look just a brown olive toned tan. I did have a bit of dark spots around my ankles and wrists ( do to me applying to much not do to the product) im IN LOVE with this tanner its so cheap and is the best tanner i have hands down tired. I used another coat of it to deepen the color and its so pretty its fading slowly and evenly. i shower daily and use lotion daily and this tan (2 coats) have lasted me about a week. i think once your at your desired tan color your probably only need to reply once maaybe twice a week. i think that if your a self tanner junky or just looking for a good one at a low coat you might wanna check out Tanwise self tanner. Also i used the tanning lotion they also have a spray ( i rather use a tanning lotion), I do think them offering a spray and lotion is cool. I hope you try this tanner and love it as much as i do!.